(Video) He Takes Out a Lemon. What Insane Survival Hack He Demonstrates? So Cool!

putting screws in a lemon

Science meets survival with the cool experiment we're about to share with you. It's surprising that with just a lemon you can make this incredible survival tool, but it's true. You can make a fire with a small fire with a lemon and NorthSurvival shows you how to do it.

In the video, he demonstrates how to use sink clips, copper nails, and wire to conduct electricity with a lemon.

This is a great idea for building small campfires in the great outdoors. Want to learn how to make one?

You can view NorthSurvival's cool video on the next page to learn more.

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  1. L James Bacak said:

    Ok … So its a damn child’s science experiment … Now how about you show an earth battery

  2. JS Fardello said:

    XD “survival lemon” X’D Okay. I haven’t read this yet but that is the story the image tells.

  3. Estus Vincent De Guzman said:

    this version is fake. There’s another video disproving that you CANNOT increase power by inserting more nails


