(Video) A Woman is Given a Challenge to Use Only $10 at a Dollar Store for Survival. How She Fares? What Clever Ideas!

Dollar Store Supplies

Here is the game: Our participant has to go into a dollar store and pay only ten dollars for supplies to make her survival kit. She is going to be out and about in the woods for twelve hours, has to make at least two meals and she should be able to submerge her items in water for a short amount of time.

What does she buy?

The dollar store has a surprising array of items that can – indeed – be helpful during a SHTF scenario. If you are looking for something long-lasting you might want to look elsewhere but for basics like matches, plastic bags, spices, and light-weight tarp material – for a mere buck – it works!

After the break, watch how an intrepid survivor fills her basket with all the items she thinks will be necessary for the challenge she has been offered.

How do you think she will do? And is ten dollars really enough?

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