(Video) 5 of the Latest Camping Inventions Are Worth a Look!

camping stove

If you’ve been a camper and hiker for a while or a regular outdoorsman for years you can easily laugh at any new gadget that comes out on Kickstarter, hoping to get funded.

After all, you’ve been out there for months or ages and never needed any of that new-fangled stuff!

Yet, we believe anything new that makes bugging-out easier cannot be a bad thing. We like to think of ourselves as opened-minded and up for something innovative. Yes, we like a challenge but does it always have to be problematic? No.

Therefore, on the next page, we bring you five (5) of the latest camping inventions to come to our attention.

Some may seem unnecessary and others comical but there is a wonderful sense of adventure involved and a “sure, I could use that!” thought too! Go check them out!

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