(Video) 2 Week Food Storage: How to Get Started

2 week food storage

When you first start out prepping, it is normal to feel like you aren't doing enough or storing enough. However, as Excessive Prepper AZ points out in this great video, one of the best places to start prepping is by stocking your own kitchen. This simple advice can save you money and frustration and will still help you be prepared for an emergency situation.

This video tells you that you don't need to start out by buying thousands of dollars worth of special packages of food.

You can just start out by stocking your pantry full of enough cans of soup to feed your family.

The video also mentioned the importance of stocking a variety so you don't get bored or depressed by the food you have to eat.

It is also a good idea to start with several five gallons of water.

This way you can get started prepping in the easiest way possible even if you are on a budget!


  1. Tom Fidas said:

    Can your own food and keep a few chickens handy for eggs only. Keep plenty of flour and rice on hand in addition to vegetables. You’ll get by for a very long time. Store bought canned food and other processed foods contain too many preservatives….it’ll only take a few months before your health and energy levels will deteriorate, and that’s what you’ll need more than anything in a survival situation.

  2. Grinnan Barrett said:

    There certainly is a place for canned foods in your preps. Be sure it is stuff you eat. As for soups we keep more things like Tomato, cream based soups and broths to use as bases for adding to with rice, pasta and vegetables. I am not a fan of the chunky soups. Too much added salt and other things.
    You really need to store what you eat.


