These Londoners Love to Live Off the Grid… in a Boat!

living on a boat

When the topic of off grid living comes up, most people envision a mountain hideaway or a wilderness cabin – something remote, away, with extreme levels of self-sufficiency.

Just about everyone has some sort of homesteading vision that encapsulates the concept of shedding all dependence on a traditional infrastructure such as power, sewage and running water.

For some Londoners, pressed out of the housing market because of increased rent, boat living has become an increasingly affordable option – and while the goal is not living off grid, it has the same result.

In fact, if the goal is to live off grid, but a rural area is not preferable or possible, boat living is one way of attaining self-sufficiency from the grid, regardless of where you are living.

To see how some Londoners are pulling it off, check out the next page.

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