Hunter Survives a Double Attack From a Grizzly Bear and Reveals His Injuries BEFORE Getting Help…

angry bear

This is one of those cautionary tales that can help anyone venturing into bear country.

The moral of the story is that no matter how careful you are, no matter how prepared, sometimes, wild beasts are just as irrational as an unruly Mob.

In this account, Todd Orr, Montanan, outdoorsman, hunter, fisherman, and knife maker, was mauled by a Grizzly Bear scouting Elk in the backcountry.

That attack was brutal enough, but then the same bear attacked him again as he was making his way back to his vehicle.

Once that attack was over, he walked over a half hour to get back to his vehicle, patched himself up and drove to the Emergency room – while videoing the carnage of his ordeal.

By Todd's account, he was wary and was alerting potential bears ahead of him by shouting.

He employed pepper spray when attacked and it did little good.

To read about and to see pictures from Todd's ordeal (warning, there are a few graphic images), check out the next page.

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