How Utilizing Discount Store Survival Items Can Save Money for Other Survival Supplies

Dollar Store

Ideally, when we wanted to buy a survival item, we just walked into the backyard and pulled off a fully ripened $100 off our money tree.

Unfortunately, money trees do not exist and being adequately prepared for even a “most likely” survival scenario can be expensive.

If you are on any type of a budget, you have to make choices and often the default choice if the finances are really stretched is “do without” or “wait until we are in a better financial state.”

That means, however, that you may not have something you need in a survival situation.

One way of alleviating that is to use discount stores (Dollar Tree, Dollar Store, Family Dollar) to stock up on needed survival items that are not big ticket or require high-end quality.

On the next page, we cover a bunch of items you can get at a discount store to help build your survival kit without breaking the bank.

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