How to Survive a Disaster When a Person Hasn’t Prepared


While most of you are seasoned preppers, there might come a time where someone you know might not be immediately prepared for a disaster.

If that's the case, this article can be of help to them or even to you if you find yourself far away from your survival headquarters. With a few simple tips and necessary supplies, you and your loved ones can quickly prepare in the face of a disaster.

Just remember that it's important to act quickly and stay as calm as possible. You definitely don't want to miss any vital supplies in a time of crisis if you're panicking!

Find out how you can quickly prepare for a disaster with limited supplies and time on the next page!

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  1. Patrick Backer said:

    Some good info. Biggest thing that people are no longer capable of doing is to recognize a survival situation for what it is and actually react to counter it. Dull minds of sheep that look for someone else to show/tell them what to do.


