How to Build a Rain Barrel for Off Grid Living

rain barrel

The majority of survivalists understand how important it is to conserve as much as possible and utilize survival resources when and where they are found.

That includes rainwater, which if you think of it, is an easy source of water that most of us completely ignore every time it rains.

Collecting rainwater to water a garden or other plants is an easy way to conserve as well as use resources that are there for the taking.

One way of doing that is to use plastic drums to create your own rainwater collection system.

Whether you are using a soaker hose or one that requires more pressure, rainwater collected is water you can use that you do not have to pay for!

To see how to make a rainwater collection system out of a plastic drum, check out the next page!

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  1. Derrick Wray said:

    Since I know little to nothing about plumbing (though I would love to learn), a video showing these parts and steps would have been great…

  2. Jay Tilman said:

    So not — how to build a barrel- –
    How to build a rain catchment system.. yes.


