Have Enough Survival Willpower? Check Out These 5 Traits:


We are survivors, preppers and homesteaders. We work hard and know a lot of things that those who know nothing about our way of life can only guess about. When we talk about will power we do not necessarily mean merely eating a balanced breakfast over a couple of donuts and a cup of coffee. However, upon further reflection, the principal is there so that example is not entirely off base.

However, upon further reflection, the principal is there so that example is not entirely off base.

When it comes to prepping and survival it is more balanced on motivation. Are you getting out there into the wilderness, honing your skills, rather than relaxing at home in a hammock? Are you drying and canning foods, keeping up the pantry, rather than calling out for pizza and Chinese?

Are you drying and canning foods, keeping up the pantry, rather than calling out for pizza and Chinese?

Over on the following page we have pinpointed five traits that are prevalent to those who endure! You may see yourself in some of these examples so read closely.

Do you really have the willpower to survive?

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  1. Den Mix said:

    Is there a reason that article needed to be on 2 pages? You say to keep things simple then you stretch out a simple article wasting space and time.


