Gray Man – What it is and How it’s Used

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If you follow the survival community or at least are preparation minded, chances are you have heard of the gray man concept.

Whether you actually know what it is, however, is anyone's guess (we are all like that).

Hollywood sensationalism has taken the concept and molded it in a way that makes it attractive in spy and action movies – Jason Bourne, Jack Reacher, Jack Bauer, etc.

In Hollywood's version, the Gray Man is a silent and deadly menace, hiding in plain sight, ready to pounce and slaughter when necessary.

In reality, the Gray Man concept or strategy is much different in practical application.

Let's face it, if every person employing it ended up breaking necks or shooting people, it would kind of defeat the purpose of blending in to survive!

To see what one opinion of what the Gray Man concept is, check out the next page.

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