EMP or Cyber Attack – What You Need to Read

lights out

If I asked you to come up with what you thought the most likely SHTF moment to hit the USA would be, mostly likely you would have “EMP” somewhere on your top five list.

What if I told you a revered and world famous journalist named Ted Koppel, a newsman and anchor of Nightline for decades, is not terribly concerned with EMPs. However, he is very concerned with a man-caused mass power outage.

In his new book, Lights Out, Koppel covers the very real and scary possibility that a rogue state or even terrorists could, via a cyber attack, take down America's power grid in a matter of hours.

He even argues that it might already be in progress.

And we are not even close to prepared for such a possibility.

To see a synopsis of what Ted feels is the ultimate threat and what some of the possible solutions are for this attack, visit the next page. 

Via Center for Security Policy

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