A Disaster That Many People Won’t See Coming Until it’s too Late…

If you are the least bit aware, you have at least heard about, probably researched and more than likely have a vague worry about an electric grid attack.

In a phrase, depending on its severity, that type of an attack would utterly and completely change your way of life – in an instant.

Take a second and think about it.

No cell phones once your battery runs dry (assuming it was just the electric grid attacked and not an EMP). No radio. No television. No Internet, wifi or social media. Then there is cooking to hot water to appliances like your refrigerator, dishwasher and even water pumps.

In short, by chance or intent, we are dependent on electricity and if it suddenly was gone – long-term, we would be in a world of hurt.

To see what you can do to minimize the damage, check out the next page.

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  1. Bryant Smith said:

    First off, when the grid goes down, it more than likely won’t be due to an attack. It will be a solar flare, which will be a global event, and most if not all electronics, including those being pedalled here, will not work as the wiring will be destroyed.

    Secondly, we already know what will happen. Around 90% of the US population will be dead in 90 days, and there is absolutely nothing the government can do about it, as there literally is not enough money on the planet to cover the costs of strengthening the grid to prevent it.

    Learn to live sans power, or die.

  2. Steve Gwisdalla said:

    This is great…except all of the electronics used in your off-grid lifestyle will be fried too. Keep a few solar panels in a Faraday cage, along with a charge controller, batteries, wiring? Sure we all have an extra $2000 lying around…Said not too many people on this site.

  3. James Pallasch said:

    We all know the value of preparedness. One I am more into every day is, forming my own ‘tribe’ for want of a better word. It does not have to be a large amount of people but as many like minded individuals as you feel comfortable with. Don’t laugh, but think Walking Dead! Ideas and knowledge is where you find it and I will listen to a child if they know more than me. Just so we are on the same page, I am not talking about a 3 or four day blizzard or an ice storm where you might lose power for a day or two! What I am contemplating is the ‘unthinkable’ of being dumped into the middle of the stone age at :0136 on any given day. You have 365 to choose from and none are any better than the other unless you are prepared. If you are prepared, I like to think of the ‘DELUTH TRADING CO’ ads. If not, you will be like ‘Wiley Coyote’ and$#%&!@*out of luck! (hint) Buy Ajax and not acme equipment! Ok, Talk is cheap! Have you noticed that there is a lot more chatter over the air urging preparations and numerous ideas how to survive the catastrophe which they think might happen? Plan your work and work your plan. My first introduction to college was in the auditorium where the speaker urged us to look to the individual on my left. Then he asked that we look to our right. After doing so, he said the person on your left and right will not see you graduate for they will not be here. I can say that I believe it will be also true if we get the disaster we think we might. The Marines have a saying, MORE SWEAT HERE, LESS BLOOD THERE! Preparedness is power and peace of mind. I do not expect to fall out of my boat fishing but I wear a PFD. I do not plan on getting butter on my tie while eating lobster, but I wear a bib! You might say the same for house and auto insurance. Do I know something you do not? Hell no, but you do a great disservice to you and yours by not preparing as best you can in my opinion. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!


