7 Handy Survival Hacks That’ll Make a Prepper’s Survival Experience Livable

make your own batteries

Everyone loves a good life hack.

At the very least, it is fun to see how others handle routine life events and how they make them go easier.

The same can be said for survival hacks.

Because the survival community is so diverse, input from people of all walks of life is not only possible, it is prevalent.

That means contributions come from all ages, degrees of wisdom, experience, knowledge, skills and abilities.

Some of these hacks are simple – like soaking cotton balls in Vaseline for a cannot miss fire starter.

Others are complex – like making your own wifi booster out of a tin can.

Regardless, hacks make life easier, are interesting and you never know when you discover one that completely reinvents how you do things; on the next page, we cover a number of survival hacks you can use.

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