5 Life-Threatening Hiking Errors a Lot of People Make



You are physically fit – or getting there – and you’re ready to take on the great outdoors. What better way than to take a nice long hike into the wilderness, getting to know the terrain and admiring the wildlife about you.

Sounds like a fun challenge, a dream come true for many, but there are dangers. We are not only talking just about the random and often tragic encounter with a bear or wildcat but the mere unpreparedness of some hikers when they get out in the middle of the woods.

A single pack of Cheetos© or bottle of water may not do the job, particularly if you get lost! Don’t say it can’t happen because even the best of outdoorsman get turned around once in a while.

After the break, go over to the next page and read up on five (5) life-threatening hiking errors amateur and, yes, even self-professed expert hikers make while hiking in the wilderness.

Honestly, we are not patronizing you. These tips can save your life!

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  1. Joshua Wiley said:

    I go off trail every single time I go hiking. If you do. Word of advice. Take a topographic map of the area with you….and know how to read it

  2. Edward Dillon said:

    More water than you need is my number one tip. Second would be carry some kind of shelter depending on the kind of hike. Don’t depend on GPS. Topographic map, compass and know how to use them.


