3 of the Most Venomous Scorpions in the World Are Shocking

They are small but scary looking. Some are comparatively harmless while others are lethal. Here are the deadly ones!

1) The Arabian Fat-Tailed Scorpion is competing with the Deathstalker for the title of most dangerous scorpion. A sting from these lethal scorpions can cause a number of terrible symptoms, including seizures, unconsciousness, and hypertension.
Stings are rarely fatal because most victims are able to receive the anti-venom in time. However, if victims haven’t seen medical attention within seven hours of being stung, the likelihood of death increases significantly.
Many people have confused the Arabian Fat-Tailed with the Black Fat-Tailed, claiming that they are the same species. One of the major differences between them is that the Arabian has larger pincers.

2)  The Indian Red Scorpion has been said to be the most lethal in the world. This tiny scorpion does pack a huge punch. When stung, victims typically experience nausea, heart problems, discoloration of the skin, and, in more severe cases, pulmonary edema, an accumulation of fluid in the lungs.
Indian Red Scorpions are not very large, ranging from 40 to 60 milimeters in length. The color of the species varies from orange to brown to grey, and they have dark grey spots scattered from the head on down to the lower back. They also have relatively small pinchers and a large stinger end. Coincidence? I think not.

3) The Deathstalker scorpion has a dangerous sounding name, and no wonder, because it is definitely one of the most dangerous scorpions in the world. Its venom is highly toxic, and if stung, the victim will likely never forget the excruciating pain it delivers.
The symptoms of a Deathstalker sting include an increased heartbeat, high blood pressure, and even convulsions and coma. It may even cause death to small children or unhealthy adults.
It is sometimes very hard to identify them, because their color varies depending on where they live. They usually are yellow or green, and due to their elastic-like appearance, it has been pointed out that they look almost like toys.

Never keep a scorpion as a pet! This seems obvious but there is a community of fans out there that adore their scorpions and, in a few cases, it has proven very dangerous!

There is more about the scorpions listed above and you can read about them on Owlcation.

While we may not be making any trips to India or the other places where these scorpions call home anytime soon, it is always a good idea to keep your eyes open here at home. You never know what is or can be smuggled over the boarder.


