3 Fatal Errors to Avoid When Bugging In


Interestingly, we spoke to a friend recently and was never more aware of naivety when it comes to a SHTF scenario. She, a well-educated and what I thought was a worldly woman, said she thought if a situation like the grid going down occurred that people will come together in a community and help one another through it.

She had every intention of “bugging in” and when we asked her about supplies she did not seem to consider that the local grocery store, as well as other important facilities, might be out of operation!

Coming together. That is a lovely notion, thought I, but if history has taught us anything it is there is sadly an “every man for himself” mentality out there along with rioters and looters when a situation (RE: The grid going down) gets out of hand.

In other words, depending on the kindness of strangers is probably not the mindset you should have and we told our friend in uncertain terms what she had to look forward to.

We are not saying bugging in is a bad thing but there are things we need to think about. Over on the next page are three 3 fatal errors to avoid when bugging in.

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