20 SHTF Skills for the True Outdoorsman

man in wilderness

If you have been prepping, learning skills for years and mastering all you have set out to do, you just may be ready for life after the SHTF. Still, there are always more things you can learn.

Yes, really. We can tell ourselves that we are true survivors, ready to bug in or out, with all the learned skills there are to be taught, but it just takes one little forgotten but an important tool, mentally and materially, to mess-up a situation.

Think about it. Do you have everything you need to live an outdoor type of lifestyle? Even if you plan to bug in you may need to bug out, even if for a short period of time. We never know what will happen when the grid goes down and, despite all your preparation, you may have to make a run for it! Outdoor skills will be needed!

And if you find the need to become a true wilderness man or woman, we suggest you look at the list on the next page.

There you will see what skills are best to know when push comes to shove and you need to survive in the great outdoors!

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