12 Life Saving Items to Keep in a Truck. #12 is Something No One Should Be Without!

truck supplies

In a moment's notice, you may find yourself in a dire situation.

In the blink of an eye, you might need to go into survival mode and get yourself out of danger.

If you're often driving around in your truck, there could be times where your vehicle can get stuck, you get in a car accident or you may get lost and run out of gas.

In these moments, if you're in an unfamiliar and unpopulated area, it's important to stock up on necessary emergency supplies to prepare for the worst. Are you prepared?

Find out what the 12 most important and life-saving items are to keep in your truck on the next page!

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  1. Adam Stewart said:

    Diehardsurvivor, you can put them all in a truck, but can’t figure out how to put them all on one Web page??? I followed, too much clickbait.

  2. Jason Wall said:

    I cant help bur notice that they pictured the most important one but didnt mention it in the text……. that short barreled ak with the folding stock.


