11 Epic Survival Uses for Hydrogen Peroxide

hydrogen peroxide

H202, Dioxidane, Oxidanyl and Perhydroxic acid. These are all the names given to Hydrogen Peroxide and because of this, we have to think of it as a complicated and dangerous product. Nothing is further from the truth! Granted, there is a risk. You don't want to drink a bottle of tonic water! However, the uses – of which there are many – for this product sincerely out-weigh anything one might consider dangerous!

We’ve always kept a bottle of Hydrogen Peroxide in the house to treat cute and “boo boos.” Occasionally, we’d even toss a little into the laundry to kill germs in our light-colored clothes. But this is just the tip of the iceberg!

After the break, go over to the next page and read up on this “miracle product” that every prepper should have on their shelves!

You do not want to do without it and we encourage you to not just read up on what it can do but take notes!

When, in the future, life becomes tough you will want to remember what it is H202 can do for you!

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