(Video) Steel Wool Life Hacks That’ll Make a Survivalist’s Life a Heck of a Lot Easier

steel wool hacks

Life hacks, as we all know, can be wonderfully beneficial to those who know how to use them well. They are techniques, tricks, shortcuts, or novel ways to reuse, recycle, upcycle, or repurpose certain products in unconventional ways to make life easier!

Once again, we have found a wonderful product that can be used for more than its primary purpose! We’ve said before that we like an item that can be used for different things, something that doesn’t take up the room and can only be used for a single purpose!

Ladies and gentlemen here is steel wool! We have always used steel wool for many different things. Mostly cleaning. But it is nice to see, as the video on the following page shows us, that this product has a life beyond scouring out the sink and pasta pot!

Go on over and check out how this life hack can make a survivalist or prepper’s life a lot less vexing!

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