(VIDEO) Learn How to Make Birch Oil Using This Easy Method…

how to make birch oil

Birch oil can be extremely useful in survival situations. The oil has many health benefits: it can be used as a disinfectant and also a protector against bacterial infections, it can relieve joint pain, it can be used as a tonic, a stimulant, a diuretic, and it can reduce temperature during a fever. And that's just naming a few. Should I go on?

Oh, and it’s also an astringent that helps to keep your muscles tight and strong. And you’re going to need those muscles.

Birch oil (which is free in the wilderness by he way!) is something survivalists need to learn how to take advantage while bugging out. Plus, if one of your team members were to become ill or get injured this stuff can help take care of it.

It might take some time to extract the oil from the bark of a birch tree, but the process is definitely worth it. How do you go about doing? Visit the next page to find out!

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