(Video) Learn how to Defrost a Windshield in Seconds Without Running Hot Water on it or Scraping the Snow Off!


It’s a constant Winter struggle. You wake-up in the morning, prepare to go to work, then look outside and see that snow is on the ground. That can mean only one thing – someone has to go out and clean off the windshield before you go.

You may look over a shoulder at the spouse, but she is preparing breakfast. The kids? Nah, they’re just waking up to go to school.

As usual it’s up to you – but what is the best way to get it done? Miserably, you recall last year when pouring a bucket of hot water only made things worse. There’s got to be a better way!

Go on over to the next page and take a look at a video that will give you some great tips on how to clear away the snow and ice on your windshield with little to no fuss!

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  1. Patrick Gauthier said:

    I’ve quickly learned to go straight to the comments on this page rather than watching their lame assed videos.

  2. Steven Edward Seaton said:

    Stupidest fucking Click-Bait video I’ve seen in a LONG time. This page is going to$#%&!@* It’s all about money now.

  3. Michael Gutierrez said:

    Use science. Spray alcohol on the windshield….defrosts the windshield in like one minute, literally

  4. Bonnie Sinclair said:

    No. We lived just south of Buffalo for 7 years and the winters are brutal. The fastest way is to deice the windshield is this product. All you have to do is use a snow brush to get allthe loose snow off the windshield/windows then spray this on and it melts right off. https://www.walmart.com/ip/SPRAYWAY-SW758-Industrial-De-Icer-Net-16-Oz-G5081772/101921171?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=1122&adid=22222222227048115723&wmlspartner=wmtlabs&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=c&wl3=146927136663&wl4=pla-87476242670&wl5=9025229&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=101593696&wl11=online&wl12=101921171&wl13=&veh=sem

  5. George Mylonakis said:

    Wow, what a scam to get ad revenue! This has now officially earned you an unfollow. No more clickbait.

  6. Donald Vickery said:

    I had big plastic with bungle cords on each corner covered cab and no deiceing

  7. Cody Knight said:

    Yeah try living in 30 below temps in north Dakota… Takes longer than 10 minutes lol what a sham

  8. Don Grasso said:

    Or you can use a rubbing alcohol water mix in a spray bottle

  9. Stephanie Guerette said:

    how about just starting your car early and letting the defroster do it’d job! plus then your car is warm when you get in, duh!

  10. Julian Estala said:

    Just throw boiling water on the windshield. That will melt it quick…

  11. Shawn Olson said:

    Don’t waste your time. Its commercial. No real tips besides use your defroster and get a ice scrapper. Thanks for nothing dorks. Not a fan of your page anymore. Sellouts.

  12. Dingus McGregor McGee said:

    Mix about 1/3 water to 2/3 isopropil alcohol in a spray bottle. DONE! The alcohol has a freezing temp of -100 (not sure exactly but its at least -100) and causes the water to lower it’s freezing temp as well. DONE…no scraping or worries. Thats what I used in Canada when I was working up there for a couple years. Works like magic.

  13. Greg Madron said:

    Hot water on it most likely end up in a pop sound with a big ol crack in your windshield. Don’t do it

  14. Harold Mcdermott said:

    Put an electric heater on the inside blowing on the window and it warms up you car as well so you don’t need to let it run so long and save gas!

  15. Neal Fifer said:

    So this is just a commercial for glass.net. Says nothing about clearing a windshield in seconds. You will now be the next fucking click bait site I unfollow

  16. JackAnd Candice said:

    To avoid frost or ice on your windshield, simply grab a hammer and smash out all the glass! Congrats to me. I’m just as successful as the article.

  17. Kevin Hahn said:

    It’s very simple get out to your car a little early start it up turn on the defroster it and let it run a while usually about 5 minutes you don’t need to scrape you don’t need to worry it will defrost your windshield everything will melt within 5 minutes


