(Video) How to Open a Lock With a Nut Wrench in 2 Seconds. This is Crazy!

breaking lock

When we left our old home we made sure we had keys for every lock around the place and we pointed the new owners in the direction of our key hanger so they would know, without a doubt, what they needed to get in and out of various gates and structures.

However, that is not always the case for some land or business owners.

By experience, we can tell you there is nothing more frustrating than buying a new property, discovering a few doors have been padlocked, yet no keys or combinations have been left behind. How did the original owner think you were going to get inside?

Other than a handy pal with a bolt cutter, a new remedy has been found! Go over to the next page and see how using a nut wrench will open a lock in two seconds!

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  1. Tim Templeton said:

    Yeah… Make sure you don’t have any fingers between the end of the wrenches, cuz when it finally snaps, you’re gonna smash anything that’s between them, including bones…

  2. Justin Wright said:

    You could pick it. Padlocks are very easy! Then you can reuse the lock

  3. Cliff Slaughter said:

    All those locks had brass bodies…try that with a steel lock, then I’ll be impressed………….

  4. Allan Griffiths said:

    WTF is a ‘Nut wrench’??? Don’t all wrenches work on a nut by default? ??

  5. Mike Dellinger said:

    Make sure you find the shittiest quality lock known to man before trying this.

  6. Andre van Wyk said:

    Thanks for showing the criminals how to do it. As if we dont have enough problems, you have to pass on some extra skills as well. Dumb fools

  7. Joe Vargas said:

    Doesn’t work… I might work on your daughter’s teeth Journal/diary lock. Lol

  8. Jeremy Breczuk said:

    How about a hammer? Dont have one? How about a rock? If you have any common sense, a padlock is no obstacle.

  9. Chad Davis said:

    Need some flat nose pliers for this trick as well..
    Been using this method for years

  10. Juan Perez said:

    Doesn’t work on a Nokia lock, unless is Chuck Norris the man with the wrenches.

  11. Brian Fortunato said:

    That wont work on my carbide locks. These dent the teeth of bolt cutters and wont even leave nic on the lock.


