U.S. Nuclear Target Map! Find Out Who Lives in the Zones.

target map


We rather enjoy looking at certain maps. They tell us so many things, including where restaurants and parks are if you are on a road-trip. But when you are looking at a nuclear target map that enjoyment pretty much goes out of the window!

It is really rather intriguing, learning about where you live in terms of the results of a nuke attack, and seeing how you will fare. Yet, it is also sobering and, if you have a bug-out shelter or bomb shelter in a drop zone, a little deflating to know you probably will not make it out alive. In other words, you may want to check out those safe zones a little more carefully!

We suggest you give the map a look then, after that, you may want to show it to your family and friends. It’s not just important but at least you know you let them know the odds and they can make up their own minds!

Go check out the map over on the next page!

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