How to Make a Sasquatch Bed for a Bug Out Location

off grid bed


Whenever you go camping there is always one thing, chiefly during the cooler months, you must be careful of. A numbingly cold ground. You can build a shelter, bring your tent, but if you are attempting to sleep on the ground, even with a sleeping bag and campfire, you can get incredibly cold!

The best thing to do is build an elevated bed, something to keep you off of the frosty ground.

While doing so for a single night out may not be considered practical, if you plan to stay more than a few days and evenings in the wilderness or, in the future, plan to bug-out, a “sasquatch bed” will be ideal!

On the next page, we give you the steps needed to build a terrific sasquatch bed.

It may not seem important now but later, when you are shivering and shaking in your sleeping bag on the cold, damp ground, you will really wish you had paid attention to this article!

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