(Video) Top 5 Things to Eat in the Wild in the Northern Hemisphere

wild edible survival Lilly

If you find yourself stranded or bugging out with limited supplies and have to stay in the wilderness for an extended period of time, knowing where to find edible plants is key. These edible plants discussed by survival Lilly can keep you from starving.  Check out the video below to find out more about these plants that also surprisingly taste good!

Who know that acorns could be used as a coffee substitute and were used for this and other purposes in World War II? Also, nettles aren't only useful for medical problems but can be ground up and eaten just like bread!

These edible plants are a must know if you lose your bug out bag or happen to get hungry for something new even though you have enough food already! Let us know what you think!


  1. Chris Shea said:

    Stop eating my foods food! Trust me deer, rabbit and squirrel tastes much better lol.

  2. Dave Allan said:

    Thanks, I knew those plants were edible, but didn’t think of using them as coffee subs.

  3. Scotta Claborn Blanchat said:

    That looks like Jimson Weed in the picture. Do not have a picture of poisonous plants on a post that is featuring survival food. This$#%&!@*will kill, but not before you have the most vivid hallucinations of your life.


