(VIDEO) Is it Now Illegal to Live in a Tiny House? Find Out HERE:

movable home

While the American dream used to consist of having a two-story home with a yard and a white picket fence, more and more people are beginning to see that this dream is not only environmentally costly, but it is growing increasingly dangerous on the wallet, as well. Now people are starting to turn to tiny homes as a solution. Unfortunately, the government is acting to destroy this new American dream as we speak.

With new regulations come new laws. That is the way it has always been throughout the history of governments. If your home is not compliant with new regulations, you are strongly urged to have the local governments change the wording so that it is.

With changing enforcement laws, even something as simple as a regulation infraction can mean your home will be further investigated by local officials and even police in order to find something which they can bring you to court over.

Currently, tiny homes are not against the law, but increasing regulations could quickly change that. Keep an eye on your local laws and speak up whenever this new American dream is threatened.

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