(VIDEO) He Finds a Bunker That’s Been Hidden for Decades. When You See What’s Inside? Crazy!

underground bunker

This is a lengthy video but it is sincerely spellbinding. When this man finds a historical bunker, you can't help but wonder what's going to be inside. What will our explorers find? Is it safe? And what about those giant spiders?!

The bunker itself is fascinating enough but what is inside, the little mementos and shards are truly enthralling and a little frightening. Let’s face it, anything with a swastika is not exactly something we would keep as cherished… unless it was there in a historical collection to remind us what should never happen again.

We love this find and it really was thrilling to see the wall come down! Onto the next!


  1. Ben Barnes said:

    Couldnt watch more than 3 min of this video. It was so cringeworthy seeing someone so obviously inept at the simplest demo work doing something so potentially dangerous.


