(VIDEO) Find Out Why a Shemagh is One of the Most Important Items of Clothing You Should Have in Your Survival Kit


Except for –possibly – a bandana a shemagh is one of the most important items you can take with you when hiking or camping in the wilderness.

A shemagh itself, for those who do not know, is a large piece of light flexible cloth. It can be plain or decorated. Some consider it a very large and heavier scarf and that is not too far from being incorrect.

There truly are so many ways to use or wear a shemagh; cover from the elements while over your shoulders, a neck wrap for those cold blustery hikes or, when the weather gets really cold. It's an awesome head cover!

But there is even more you can do with a shemagh than you might think and over on page two Survival Lilly will show you some smart ways to use it.

Spoiler: Think of it as a fire accelerant! No joke! Wow!

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  1. Kevin Blaylock said:

    Everyone run out and buy one now, oh and pick up a copy of the Koran while you’re out. SMDH


