6 Principles to Closely Follow to Stay Prepared at All Times for an Emergency Evacuation

couple hiking with bags

Those of us who have been prepping for a while, getting our bug-out bags ready, partaking in wilderness training, and even tending to that backyard garden or canning foods, have a small idea of what we are getting into.

While we may not be completely sure how a chaos situation will affect us, what will happen to this big world around us in the near future, we know we have to keep our eyes and ears open. We also understand that preparedness is vital.

P is for preparedness! As in, if you did not already know, preparing for a SHTF scenario! If you do not think the letter P has any relevance to a chaos situation just trust us.

This is something you will understand when you go over to the next page and read about the six (6) principles to closely follow to stay prepared for the inevitable!

None of us may have all of the answers but if we are alert and keep open minded we can most assuredly have a foot up when we need it most.

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