WikiLeaks Claims That CIA Lost Control of ‘Hacking Arsenal’ – Did They?

CIA Website


No matter how discouraged you may be with the way your government is running the country, there is always a certain amount of pride we, as American or European citizens, have in our country. No, not everything is as we want it. And yes, we are preparing for a SHTF scenario, but – for the moment – at least our secrets are safe.

Or so we hope. Or maybe not.

Wikileaks reports that the largest ever cache of confidential documents on the CIA has been released by a whistleblower in the agency. A total of 8,761 documents were published and “Vault 7” claims that the CIA ‘Stole’ Russian Malware, using it to make it look like Russia is responsible for Cyber Attacks inside the U.S. That includes plans to turn Smart TVs, iPhones, gaming consoles and many other consumer gadgets into open microphones!

Perhaps some conspiracy theorist are not so crazy after all!

Go to the next page and read more about how the CIA, according to Wikileaks, lost control of their hacking arsenal.

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