Hiking or Camping on Federal Land – Don’t Get Lost and be Prepared!

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There are not really any reliable statistics that track the subject, but each year, at least hundreds, if not thousands of hikers, workers, fishermen, campers and hunters go missing on federal land across the country.

If you do go missing, the extent and quality of search and rescue efforts largely depends on where you live and the strength of search and rescue organizations in your area.

In some cases – Yosemite or the Grand Canyon, search and rescue systems are professional and robust.

Get lost in other places, however, and search and rescue efforts are local, volunteer and organizing bodies are often strapped for cash – search efforts are not prioritized in most budgetary processes.

That means if you venture onto public land, you have to understand the risks – even beyond possibly getting lost.

To see why this is important to anyone who enjoys our federally owned backcountry, check out the next page.

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